
  • tooltip-trigger-<value>
  • tooltip-content-<value>

The tooltip-trigger-value class will reveal the tooltip-content-value element.

Additional classes

1. Add click to the trigger class to enable the tooltip content to appear when you click the trigger element.


  1. Add tooltip-trigger-<value> to the Module’s CSS Classes Box. For example, a button module. Replace <value> with any word.
  2. Add tooltip-content-<value> to the Section’s CSS Classes box, Row’s CSS Classes box, or Module’s CSS Classes box. Replace <value> with the same word as in #1.


This tooltip is triggered when you hover it. On mobile devices, you will click on it.

this is the tooltip content inside a text module.

class: tooltip-content-text

This tooltip is triggered when you click it.

This tooltip is triggered when you hover it. On mobile devices, you will click on it.

Here's a CTA Module

class: tooltip-content-cta