
Step-by-step video tutorials to help you create awesome things!
Sunt animi eveniet qui

Sunt animi eveniet qui

Aut non voluptatem pariatur aut voluptatibus quis commodi omnis quisquam aut cumque voluptas sapiente tenetur sed sit hic aliquid amet ducimus porro et quos consequatur voluptatibus nesciunt consequatur eius ad quia necessitatibus perferendis perferendis nulla deserunt at mollitia quis optio voluptates ut quia et cum velit voluptatem non ab rerum voluptas pariatur rerum ipsa iure culpa et qui aut accusantium fuga tempora provident asperiores laudantium consectetur omnis ut quia.

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Repudiandae non nulla rerum

Recusandae sit eum harum voluptatem perspiciatis dolore fugit sint ipsum atque ducimus magni praesentium dolorum velit sit eveniet omnis nobis omnis repudiandae tempora fuga illum eaque voluptatem laboriosam possimus ut placeat odio ex quia quia minima iure vitae ut et eveniet occaecati est sed ut excepturi autem id soluta error nam aut esse esse quidem fugiat cumque quis rerum assumenda fuga blanditiis dolorem recusandae vel veniam exercitationem quo.

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Customizing Your Divi Mobile Menu

Customizing Your Divi Mobile Menu

Personally, I think the default mobile menu on Divi is super boring. Every new Divi website I create always gets one of these custom menus. *Credit goes to Fabio Sarcona of creativechildthemes.com for these. Unfortunately the original blog post is no longer available...

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Animate Multiple Background Images – CSS Only Version

Animate Multiple Background Images – CSS Only Version

You may want to know how to animate or fade between different background images in a Divi section. This tiny bit of CSS gives you a really nice looking background fade/slider. *Update* Unfortunately, this CSS-only version causes a white flicker between photos the...

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Blur the Parallax Background to Emphasize the Text

Blur the Parallax Background to Emphasize the Text

When the Parallax option is enabled, Divi puts the image in it's own div.  This allows us to customize it further. By blurring the background image, it helps the user put focus on the elements within the section. ①   Copy and paste the following CSS into the Custom...

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Enable Gradient Overlay with Parallax Background

Enable Gradient Overlay with Parallax Background

Here's an example of the gradient overlaying the fixed or parallaxed background image.The Divi theme allows you to overlay the background gradient over the background image, giving the section a really sleek look. Unfortunately, you lose this ability if you want to...

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Vertically Align Modules Inside Rows, and Rows Inside Sections

Vertically Align Modules Inside Rows, and Rows Inside Sections

When you want the Divi section's content (rows and modules) to be horizontally AND vertically centered within the section, there's a nice little CSS snippet that gives our sections this absolute centered look. This works really well if you are setting specific heights...

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Show Full Image Gallery Thumbnails (Ideal for Square Images)

Show Full Image Gallery Thumbnails (Ideal for Square Images)

By default, the Divi Image Gallery shows you square-cropped versions of the photos in the gallery grid.  However, in the case of square images, Divi still crops the images, making it so you can't see the full image in the grid. The code below changes how the image...

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