Icon Hacks

These hacks give you more options for your icons.

RSS to Instagram Icon
This hack allows you to replace the RSS icon in the footer with the instagram icon.

Assuming you aren’t using the RSS icon, turn this hack on. Then, add your instagram URL in Divi Theme Options where RSS URL is.

Instagram Icon Gradient
This hack allows you to replace the Instagram Icon background color in the Social Media Follow Module to the new gradient.

All you need to do is turn on the hack.

Font Awesome Icons

This hack allows you to add over 1,000 icons from Font Awesome.

You can replace the default Divi icons by adding classes to the module that the icon is in. For example:  CTA, button, slider, blurb, etc. 

1. Add one of the following 3 classes, depending on where your icons are going.

Icons in Lists

add this class to the text module’s CSS classes box.


Icons in Blurbs

add this class to the blurb module’s CSS classes box.


Icons in Buttons

Add this class to the module’s CSS classes box.


(This will work on CTA, Button, Email Optin, Subscribe Form, Contact Form, Post Slider, Slider, Pricing Tables, Login Form, Fullwidth Slider, & Fullwidth Post Slider.)

2. Search for an icon, then copy & paste the classes into the module

Browse the icons here

1. Search for an icon and click on it. You should see a box like this:

2. Copy ONLY the classes and paste them in the module’s CSS Classes box (next to the class in Step 1).

In the above example: fas fa-leaf

For your info: 
fa = font awesome
fas = font awesome solid
far = font awesome regular
fab = font awesome brands

3. Optional: Additional classes for styling

    Force the icon to the left or right.

    • fa-pull-left
    • fa-pull-right

    Rotating the icon:

    • fa-rotate-90
    • fa-rotate-180
    • fa-rotate-270

    Flip the icon:

    • fa-flip-horizontal
    • fa-flip-vertical

    Spin the icon:

    • fa-spin
    • fa-pulse

    3. Optional: additional css

    Use additional CSS to modify the icon color, size, and hover color. View the examples below. Add this CSS to the Main Element Custom CSS box.

      Additional CSS for Icon Lists

      --icon-color: #eee;
      --icon-size: 40px;

      Additional CSS for Blurbs

      --icon-hover-color: red;
      --icon-hover-size: 125px;
      --icon-hover-margin: -10px auto 0px auto;
      --icon-margin: 0px auto 0px auto;

      Additional CSS for Buttons

      --icon-size: 40px;
      --icon-hover-color: #fff;

      Note: these CSS variables will work in all modern browsers but not in Internet Explorer.


        Icons in Lists

        This is a text module that contains a list and has the following classes:

        fa-icon-list fas fa-chevron-circle-left fa-pull-right

        • lorem ipsum
        • dolor sit amet
        • consectetur
        • adipiscing

        To modify the icon color and size, add these CSS properties to the Main Element Custom CSS Box and customize:

        --icon-color: #eee;
        --icon-size: 50px;

        This is a text module that contains a list and has the following classes:

        fa-icon-list fas fa-check fa-pull-left

        • lorem ipsum
        • dolor sit amet
        • consectetur
        • adipiscing
        • elit sed do
        • eiusmod
        • tempor
        • incididunt

        To modify the icon color and size, add these CSS properties to the Main Element Custom CSS Box and customize:

        --icon-color: green;
        --icon-size: 30px;

        Icons in Blurbs


        fa-blurb fas fa-burn hover-grow

        Style the icon color and size where you normally do, under the design tab.

          To modify the icon color and size, add these CSS properties to the Main Element Custom CSS Box and customize:

          --icon-hover-color: red;
          --icon-hover-size: 125px;
          --icon-hover-margin: -10px auto 0px auto;
          --icon-margin: 0px auto 0px auto;

          Icons in buttons

          Button Module

          • fa-button fas fa-file-download

          You can change the icon size and icon hover color by adding this CSS to the module’s Main Element Custom CSS box and customize it.

          --icon-size: 40px;
          --icon-hover-color: #000;

          Icons in buttons in other modules

          CTA Module

          fa-button fas fa-sun fa-spin

          fa-button far fa-kiss-wink-heart

          fa-button fas fa-exclamation

          fa-button fas fa-exclamation